

In this third of three videos about ‘core conditions’ for therapists, I talk about congruence, our ability to acknowledge and express our own truth in an honest, helpful way. Is being honest with ourselves more tricky in lock-down? interesting article here Along with...


In this first of three videos about ‘core conditions’ for therapists, I talk about empathy – our intention to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. A lack of empathy can lead to a wide range of challenges. Along with ‘Unconditional positive regard’ and...
Lock-down role reversal

Lock-down role reversal

I did a video in a supermarket carpark about topsy-turvy role reversal introvert and extrovert stuff. I get the panic on the rare times when i’m out but my introvert friend loves being out during lock-down! Get in touch if you want to connect:...
I feel dread and I’m not sure why

I feel dread and I’m not sure why

Sometimes, these days, it’s difficult enough for me to concentrate on a whole chapter of Harry Potter, let alone focus on planning my medium to long-term future.  I’m thinking about when this Corona Virus lockdown craziness is all over and I’m having mixed feelings. I...
Self awareness

Self awareness

Self awareness is vital.  I think most of us want to know ourselves a bit better. There are many selves to know! There’s the me that I’m aware of, the me that I am not aware of, the me I present to the world; this me changes for my audience.  There’s me that is...