thinking about thinking

thinking about thinking

Our ability to think about thought is a useful skill. It’s good to exercise it and keep it agile. In this short video, I talk about wide ranging things like Descartes’ mind/body dualism – ‘I think therefore I am’ and the Matrix! I also chat about where we put...
Unconditional positive regard

Unconditional positive regard

In this second of three videos about ‘core conditions’ for therapists, Gwilym talks about unconditional positive regard, our mind-set that people are OK, everyone is deserving of love and kindness just for existing. What about Hitler?! An unconditional loving kindness...
Being kind to yourself

Being kind to yourself

I did a video about being kind to yourself for Mental Health Awareness Week 🙂 There’s help at hand if you would like to uncover some of the early messages that now don’t help you.
Being kind to yourself

Lock-down role reversal

I did a video in a supermarket carpark about topsy-turvy role reversal introvert and extrovert stuff. I get the panic on the rare times when i’m out but my introvert friend loves being out during lock-down! Get in touch if you want to connect:...